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Zang Fu Abdominal Detox Tongue Diagnosis

45 min
70 British pounds
Location 1

Service Description

Detoxing the digestive system, boosting and raising energy levels, blood and lymphatic flow to get back in to the swing of things, supports a healthy lifestyle and most importantly dramatically helps your immune system. Anmo Fu (Anmo meaning abdominal  Massage, Fu meaning Organ an ancient system based on Chinese Medicine theory) Its aim is to release all the twists, restrictions, build up and torsions in the small, large intestines ascending, transverse and descending colon which makes us slugglish uncomfortable and sometimes in a great deal of pain. Whilst rebalancing the internal organs, clearing trapped toxins, restrictions and releasing waste products, it's a fantastic treatment for treating many stresses, bowel issues, lower back pain, emotional inbalances like grief, depression and creates a better energy flow as a whole whilst massively supporting the immune system. -Bloating - Neck/shoulder pain or frozen shoulder - Back/joint pain - Arthritis - Headaches/migraine - Sciatica - Sports injuries - Stress - Chronic fatigue - Insomnia - Depression / Anxiety - Vertigo - IBS - Crohns disease - Ulcerative colitis  - Hernia - Hemorroids - Diverticulitis  - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - Constipation  - Diarrhoea - Prolapse - Food Intollerances  - Endometriosis  - Skin complaints - Fertility problems - Polycystic ovary syndrome  - Uterine Fibroids  - Asthma  - Menopause  - High Blood pressure - Fatloss and so much more.. This Treatment Gives The Ultimate In Kickstarting Your Body Rebalance, Detox And  Relaxation At Its Best! Another One You Won't  Want To Leave Our Comfy Couch And Cosy Cabin! Stand Alone Or add 30 Mins To Your Treatment. **BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY** Your healing journey starts here... The Advertising Standards Authority no longer permits complementary therapists to suggest or claim that a treatment can help a particular condition, however please feel free to email to discuss your condition and we will offer advice on what treatments we think maybe effective for you.

Cancellation Policy

Sorry No refundable money, No on the day cancellations or transfers or 24 hours before. Full payment is required on booking. Transfers Accepted If Rebooked 48 hours before. No Refunds For Conditions Not Mentioned Before Your Visit. Allow 31 days or more for agreed refunds.

Contact Details

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    +44+ 7392378826

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