Five Elements Clinical Acupuncture
Service Description
We practice Traditional Five Element Acupuncture which is based on ancient principles which go back nearly two thousand years. It has a very positive model of good health and function, which aims to keep the body in balance. Traditional Acupuncture. Traditional Five Element Acupuncture is based on the ancient classics. It is a holistic system that treats the whole body physically mentally and emotionally. It is a system of healing that has been practiced for many years and is therefore beneficial for a number of conditions. Acupuncture works well for Chronic low back pain Tension type headaches Migraines Neck pain (even if long term) Knee pain (Arthritic)Digestive wellness Sleep problems Bipolar Treatment Resistant Anxiety & depression Calming the mind and body Fatigue and tiredness Muscle pain & spasm Joint restriction & pain Sciatica pain Piriformis syndrome Plantar fasciitis Sports injuries Tennis elbow Crohn’s Golfers elbow Arthritic pain Impotence Fertility First Choice: Stand Alone Five Elements Acupuncture Multiple Issues First Appointment Includes Tongue Diagnosis & Aftercare Plan First Appointment @ £80 Choice 2: Multi Modality Of Treatments Multiple Issues First Appointment Includes Tongue Diagnosis, Full Body MOT, Kinesthetic Full Body Tests, Cranial & Spinal Release, Pelvic Repattern Full Body Fascia & Aftercare Plan @ £100 Concessions Low Income NHS Blue Light Card £90 Allow Upto 75 minutes. Follow Ups: 1) Express 30 minutes £50 Stand Alone Acupuncture Only. 2) 30 minutes at £50 includes 1 issue. 3) Multiple issues 45 minutes From £70 4) Multiple issues 55 minutes From £80 Block bookings of 6 or more: Receive 75 Minutes at £85 45 minutes at £63 Includes 10% Discount When Rebooking A Block Of 6 or more or monthly maintenance option. Book Your Route To Recovery Today Message Us 07392 378 826
Cancellation Policy
Sorry No refundable money, No on the day cancellations or transfers or 24 hours before. Full payment is required on booking. Transfers Accepted If Rebooked 48 hours before. No Refunds For Conditions Not Mentioned Before Your Visit. Allow 31 days or more for agreed refunds.
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