Breathe Inhale Exhale Reset with The Healing Cabin Aromatherapy Blends What is the limbic system? It's a small part of the brain that deals with memories, emotions and stimulations. The limbic system is split into a few different sections that work in different ways. The amygdala for example helps record memories and associate them with feelings, like a fun day out with your family and how that made you feel happy and content. The cingulate gyrus connects areas of the limbic system together, creating pathways for information and brain messages to travel across.
The hypothalamus is one of the most important, relevant parts of the limbic system, because this is where hormones are formed. These chemicals control important bodily functions like water percentage in the body, your sleep cycles, body temperature and food consumption. The limbic system is a very complex structure beneath the temporal lobe. It makes us a large portion of your brains structure. It’s functions can affect your life on a daily basis so it’s very important to understand how your body works and how making adjustments to your lifestyle can affect your limbic system. How do you strengthen your limbic system?
The limbic system helps to govern emotional behaviors and reactions to memories. You are subconsciously making choices every day about what you do or say because of previous experience. If you understand how your limbic system works you can begin to tune in and recognize when you are making these decisions. One example is if you are feeling a lot of stress the cause of this will most likely come from a memory or experience you may have had that triggered such a response; getting into conflict or debt once before or having new upcoming changes or financial commitments. Now you know where this emotional behaviour is coming from you can consciously work to rewrite this information to trigger a new positive response instead.
Becoming aware of how your body works in this way can really help to strengthen your limbic system. It can help to stabilise your emotions and build a healthy outlook on life. It’s not an easy quick fix and can take time, just as with anything. Using coping mechanisms like aromatherapy can help to create that new positive response to your ‘bad memories’.
What happens when you inhale essential oils? Inhaling essential oils is the fastet route into the body for essential oils. When you breathe in essential oil vapours and odours the molecules are absorbed by the hairs inside your nostrils that have receptors, these send signals into the olfactory bulb in your limbic system. The amount that gets absorbed depends on the essential oils ‘bioavailability’ and range anywhere from 30% - 70% is actually absorbed into the body. Essential oils largely affect the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which once stimulated release hormones into the body. So if we inhale essential oils with a stimulating properties it will produce a response in the appropriate part of the limbic system.
One example is lavender essential oil can have a positive effect on your relaxation and sleep, by relaxing your muscles and allowing you to fall asleep easier, this is your body's limbic system once you’ve inhaled lavender essential oil vapours.
Aromatherapy effects on the brain It’s important to note that too much of anything is never good for you, your brain needs variety to distinguish one thing from the other. It’s always best to use essential oils from a certified aromatherapy practitioner preferably registered with your local council, which will advise small doses, or they may blend with a carrier oil for you.
How We Help Alleviate Verbal
Motor Tics Naturally
We've treated several disorders like Depression, Panic attacks, Tourettes Syndrome or Tic disorders, like Tremor, OCD, ADHD/ADD, Dyslexia Dysplasia, FASD and Anxiety using our unique therapy approach coupled with our essential oil blends .
At The Healing Cabin we create blends, serums, balms with pure essential oils to use in aromatherapy specific client prescriptions all from just £6.
Essential oils in these forms make it easy to incorporate the benefits of essential oils on your limbic system into your lifestyle. Relax at home with a massage oil, an oil burner, candle, diffuser or on the go with our roll ons or inhalers. Order yours today collect at your appointment: